انجام کلیه پروژه های نرم افزاری

Business computing is the application diverse technologies to meet the requirements of business information. It is a blend of the fields of computer science. It may also include aspects of advanced computing. Graduates can pursue careers in the IT or business worlds that deal with technological or computing issues.

The course is strongly grounded in the workplace and features guest lecturers from the business world and engineering partners sharing their knowledge of real-life business issues. You will be able to work on real-world briefs, which apply your technical skills to real-world issues. You will be able to develop a wide range of business and IT skills over the course of four years starting from the development of software applications to analyzing data, with the aim of offering innovative solutions to companies.

During your first year, your focus will be on subjects like accounting and marketing as well as getting hands-on with the latest IT and computing technologies. You will develop your IT and business knowledge to prepare for a placement year. This can be on campus or in one of our many partner organizations across Kent and London. You’ll get a unique blend of knowledge from both the IT and business worlds that can lead you to many career paths including web development, software development customer service, data analytics. Graduates have been employed by companies such as Accenture, BP, FDM and Spotify.


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